thought it might be good to share this latest and possibly others depending how this thread goes as it may amuse and possibly be remembered after i'm gone "You would have thought that you had got to know your private anatomy pretty well by the age of 58 but the truth is that you only get to know your sphincters intimately after a triple haemorrhoidectomy" Chris. 03/11/2013
Ive had a couple stitches in my ring piece so I may feel a certain empathy. Now Ive mentioned that some form of explanation that doesn't involve 'buggery' and 'well endowed' must follow. Else eyebrows be raised and assumptions made. A chap in a brown Volvo decided to U-Turn on the A13 commercial road in Aldgate circa 1986. I was riding a skeleton Lambretta GP225 of dubious safety and even more dubious brakes. It was wet. Thus I slid down the road on my arse wearing little more than a pair of polish combat trousers. Thus tearing my ring piece. I had the stitches after my 3rd abortive, although my mates will say bottled, hospital visit. To this day there is a slight v ridge along my 'richards'.
"Rev that car up one more time and I'll ram the exhaust up your arse and rev you up" The last words said by me to a former neighbour before he moved. The prat had an odd job that involved very early morning starts, and he had a strange ritual of revving his car up for ten minutes (while listening to a very loud stereo) before moving off. I wouldn't mind, but this was 2am. I didn't see him again after my verbal assault, but to be fair I was stark bollock naked in the middle of the street when I was saying it...
Said to one of two rather large Dutch arseholes on a dance floor in Avoriaz who thought it was a laugh to keep bumping into me whilst I was dancing........."if you two don't fuck off I'm gonna hit you with him" They stopped bumping in to me and walked off the dance floor soon after. :smile:
Is nothing sacred? Am I to even prostitute my faeces to total strangers? Is this what we have become? Are you german by any chance?
Nein, but I did like play dough when I was a kid. I now run an engineering company specialising in extrusions.
"what is it underage girls find so attractive about old men with gray hair and glasses" frankie boyle 2013