The power of Snowflex!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. Very good! Is that you doing some of the jumps then ElT?
  2. I can do jumps and rails but just very basic stuff. It hurts when you slam at my age :frown:
  3. Excellent ,amazing what you can do with carpet off cuts and ply. :tongue:
  4. yup! Even a foot high box can make a right mess of you back as I recall lol
  5. thats really impressive, im not a fan of dry slopes since breaking my hand on one but that looks quite different to the dry slopes i've ridden
  6. i aint been snow boarding in years rather dumb as i live inbetween glen coe and nevis range loved it. hoping my wee man will get into it give me a reason to get back up there.
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