The Serious Thread - Archaeology

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Come on then, let's have a proper discussion.

    How did the ancient builders at Giza, Tihuanaco, Angkor Wat, etc lift those bloody enormous megalithic stones, some weighing up to 400 tons, and make them fit so precisely that no mortar was needed?
  2. Aliens.

    No other explanantion.
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  3. I've been bored this month, watching youtube vids, and in particular Graham Hancock's assertions that these monuments date back to 10500BC. Personally, I think the man's a crackpot, but I still don't see how a group of people still using bronze chisels can work to such fine tolerances. Or how, no matter how many slaves you have to hand, you can lift a 400 ton stone using any apparatus made of wood...
  4. Little green men init.

    The aliens abandoned Earth thousands of years ago leaving a lot of the sites unfinished, about the same time the first safety womble showed up with a clip board and a box full of hi-viz and helmets.
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  5. That's what Graham Hancock believes:confused:
  6. I have an image of a safety womble in my head now...
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  7. Its when man had to think for a living. If they stopped thinking they'd starve. Thinking and lots and lots of manpower. Aliens. Its a possible answer, but then it would be like a bit like Stargate
  8. Okay then...Who decided the pyramids were tombs, when not a single shred of evidence has been found to support that? The conventional archaeologists say the Pharoahs didn't want anyone to know who was buried there, hence no inscriptions, but if they wanted to keep it a secret, why build a 6 million ton monument..?
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  9. There is no doubt that they are in fact exceedingly complex tombs. Evidence? err the big coffin in the middle is a bit of a giveaway
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  10. Pulleys and levers. Intelligence hasnt changed. Only technology. After all the eqyptians managed to build massive structures okay.
  11. if i can lift my head from the pillow after 3days at looallu, they can build these things no bother.
  12. There has been no coffins at the great pyramids.
  13. eric von danakin has the answers. think that's was his name was.
  14. it all a hoax....perpetrated by a Egyptian Jeremy Beadle I tell ya ;)....either that or grave robbers got in a some point in the 4000 odd years they've been standing....or, maybe they were dummy tombs.
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  15. Not a coffin as such but........
    The sarcophagus in the ‘Kings Chamber’ is several centimetres too wide for the doorway. It was built into the pyramid. The sarcophagus is carved seamlessly out of a single block of granite as if it were a block of butter carved out with a hot knife. Even with today’s top of the range diamond bit drills, marks would be left, yet according to the Egyptologists, this was done by a bronze age culture (Khufu’s reign was in 4,000 BC).
  16. Were going backwards not forwards - we can't see the future but we can see the past

    We're not as bright as we like to think we are

    The universe isn't expanding we're shrinking

    Yay Wombles
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. The arrogance of the modern age that wonders how people built things years ago. Then the stupidity of the modern age that assumes it was magic, aliens or other. If there were no clever people before us we would not be here to wonder why.

    Pulleys and levers folks, pulleys and levers. Thread closed.
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  18. Give me a long enough lever and I could move the world :upyeah:

    I mean you couldn't, the lever itself would be way too heavy to move but I digress...
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  19. This!

    I see tinfoil hats need to be handed out in here, with some urgency too I think.
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  20. Its the design, the scale of design and the ability to organise and move thats the magic, not lifting and dropping. Some materials are transported hundreds or thousands of miles. At an age where man didnt have access to fast and easy travel, A how did they find it, B what made them decide that would be a great resource and C how did they then navigate the distance of travel.

    The fact that man of that age shouldn't have had tools and skills to be able to fulfil this is more astounding
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