Ok, so some friends of mine are after a sub £1k car to replace their knackerd Ford KA. I found them a decent looking VW Polo so today I gave the dealer a call. This is exactly how the phone call went, with me being calm the whole time. Are you ready for this? Me: hi, I'm calling about the VW Polo you've got for sale. Dealer: Yes it's still for sale. Me: Ah ok good. What mileage is on it? (It said O miles in the add) Dealer: 88k................. Me: ok that's pretty good. Do you know when it's last service was or if it has any service history? Dealer: it WON'T have any.................. Me: oh ok, what do you mean it WON'T have any? Is it...................... (Dealer rudely interrupts) Dealer: I'm not f***ing mystic meg Me: erm sorry, I don't understand. Dealer: it's got the V5 and MOT that's it. I'm not f***ing mystic meg, if I was I wouldn't be selling second hand cars to people like you. LINE GOES DEAD. GENUINELY THOUGHT ID LOST SIGNAL OR SOMETHING. I RING BACK Me: Hi sorry about that I must of lost my signal or something. Dealer: No you didn't, I cut you off because you're being a f***ing arse**le. Me: Being an arse**le, why am I, I'm genuinely interested in the car, I just didn't understand what you meant by "the car WON'T have any service history", I thought you might of got it through an auction or something that's all? Dealer: See, your off again, I haven't got time for f***ing Arse**les like you. F**k OFF! LINE GOES DEAD. Neve had anything close to this before and I've bought and sold a fair bit over the years.
cool, whats the number.......it would brighten my day up to ask him about a car or two. What an a hole he must be
The mate who was buying the car is a self employed actor and is spectacular at any accent you can think of. This could be fun for many weeks!!
He can't sell many cars then! must be in the wrong game. Has he got a website or an email address? There is a second hand Jag dealer next to my local bike shop and they share the same yard, the owner there is not far different. Customer service!!!!! what's that?
Im perhaps wrong here and im sure ill be corrrected lol.....but I have this mental image of a old banger type garage and someone enquiring about an old cheap worn out car and wanting to know if it has a fmdsh and and scratches or dings in the paint and does it come with a warranty lol I sold an old banger once and I had the same sort of caller. I also advised them to look elsewhere with the odd sexual word and "off" in the same sentence
I'm after a Polo as well, what's his number, I work a lot of nights so have spare time to call then I'll make sure to ask about the service history at 3am :wink:
No looks like he sells all sorts of different priced cars. Looks like he works from his family home. The conversation literally went as above. I didn't ask every question under the sun or expected a perfect car for £850. My second question was has it got any service history?, not has it got FSH?. The guy just blew his lid instantly. My mates girlfriend then phoned up later on yesterday and he was nice as pie until she asked the if it had any service history, he replied abruptly with NO. Once she politely said she might have to leave it then, despite already arranging a viewing time at the weekend, he just said, OK BYE. And put the phone down.
Lol. pmsl. I had a similar face to face with a dealer. I had 5k in my pocket too and was looking at a car. I noted it had been resprayed and just mentioned it, then he went apeshit and started getting aggressive. I walked over the road and bought a car from his competitor. I wouldve been happy to buy the damn car. The respray was a plus as far as I was concerned. It was a very odd experience. Fleming's croydon.