The thread of rant!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. I'll bloody start:mad:

    My neighbour nipped out for 5 minutes to get a takeaway last night. When he came back his house had been ransacked. I think it may have been me who scared them off cos I was shifting stuff in and out of the van about the same time, although I'm buggered if I heard anything. They smashed the back window, you'd have thought I would've heard that.

    Anyway, the local cop shop is less than 2 miles away and manned full time. The neighbour rings them to be told they'd be right round there...tomorrow afternoon maybe...and could they please not touch anything in the meantime...

    Fuck sake:mad:
  2. 4/10. Started with promise but didn't maintain momentum. Must try harder.
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  3. Agreed and it's not your problem either :biggrin: , seems your poking your nose where it isn't needed.:tongue:

    Joking Fig , one of life's problems I'm afraid , i.e. scum with some front and coppers who cant be arsed, unless you're carrying out a motoring offence you aint a real crim.
  4. That's terrible. They may have been watching the place, but it could easily have been a crime of opportunity. The Police's response is clearly less than ideal. Was it the MET? If so, they are 'criminally' understaffed. Society always wants more police, but doesn't want to pay for them. That doesn't help your neighbour thou, but glad it wasn't your house figgy :smile:
  5. Speaking on behalf of this part of society, I'd more than happily pay for more of them, and pay them better than they are now, by cutting down on MP's expenses, salaries and other stupid costs, and pulling troops from countries where they really shouldn't be.
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  6. What grinds my gears and following on from this, is the Government insistance and political bollocks that crime is at its lowest for years.

    Utter Crap

    Its all political spin to justify losing 1/5th of police officers across the country. That's Police officers NOT "support staff" or PCSO's who both outnumber officers 2 to 1.

    Society cant be arsed to report it simply because they get the response as in Fig's original rant. Yes there may be an element of a cant be arsed attitude, but mainly its because of recent Govt cuts. The Police simply arn't there.

    Toro, does that score any better?
  7. We're getting there. Keep it up chaps :upyeah:
  8. There was a story in my local paper about an old man who's shed got broken into. He reported it to the police and they came round two days later to take a look and book details of the stolen items. He was told by the police that the thieves would probably be back at some point, and sure enough a few weeks later they were. The old man could see them at the bottom of the garden, moving about in the darkness but being old didn't want to tackle them himself so rung the police. They arrived 3 hours later when the thieves were long gone!. About a month later they were back again, obviously they thought there were onto easy pickings. The old man spotted them again. Totally frustrated by the lack of police concern, this time he rung the police and fictitiously told them that his shed was being burgled so he had got his gun out and shot the robbers. Within about 20 seconds half the counties police force including the armed response team were there. The police caught the robbers this time but the old man also got charged for wasting police time. The police are understaffed but was the old man wrong in what he did? He got a result, albeit partly at his own cost!
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  9. There'd be plenty more police to tackle real crime if they weren't retiring on full pensions at 50.
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  10. 1/10 - urban myth :rolleyes:
  11. If you halved the salaries you'd get twice the Officers at no extra cost..........
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  12. and twice the corruption
  13. Allegedly :eek:
  14. Really?????????????????
    I know an awful lot of low-paid people who are not corrupt...
  15. It would be interesting to know how the police actually fill their days. I suspect that lots of it is taken up with paperwork. For example, they nab some petty crim, which takes not long, and then have to spend an hour or two pissing about on the computer and filling in forms. And most of them can't type with more than 2 fingers - it all takes an age.

    Now the technology exists (well, it does on the latest Mac OS, so probably everywhere else too) to dictate to your computer and it does the writing for you. So how about you put all the forms on to a database accessible via an iPad, and the coppers can just dictate the particulars to their iPad as they are sat in the car? I reckon this would probably free up about 50% of their time (but I'd love a professional assessment from Andy). Paperwork done at the scene of the crime - on to the next one. You could effectively double the amount of coppers (as regards people available to respond to crime calls) for little extra expense.

    An idea of genius, clearly, so I can only imagine it's already been thought of. So what is the state of play on it?
  16. My point was that if you cut the pay across the entire force, slowly or suddenly, these people will then need to find an alternate source of income. It could just b a little back hander here or there, or it could be full blown corruption. IMO it should be the opposite, pay the people enough that they want to do the job properly. For the record I have nothing but respect for the police. If they pull me over its because Im being a tit for example. Yes there are bad one, but on the whole the force is filled with hard working people working against budget cuts in a hazardous environment. Its not what Id choose to do for a living
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  17. thats a good defence.
    I hope you get a good price for his gear ;)
  18. The Police spend most of their time shifting the same 5% of worthless waste of human organs around.
    As for crime being down, UTTER BOLLOCKS. The important word missing is "REPORTED". Many do not even bother to ring the Police now due to the lack of response etc.
    Drastically reduce the scandalous welfare bill and spend the money where the tax payer wants it to be used. Its our money and we want a service provided with it!!
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  19. Well, murder and violent crime is meant to have fallen steadily too. I can't believe you wouldn't bother to report a murder.

    I find the stats as surprising as the next man, but they are either a total falsehood - entirely made up - or a false impression is given by a rightwing media that likes to pretend we are all living under some sort of terrible threat. Which do you think is more likely?
  20. After giving 30 years service starting at 20 years old including shift work and extremely high stress situations!

    Ironically society will start getting loads more 50 and 60 year old bobbies "holding the line" during riots, turning up to domestic incidents dealing with the Dale Creegans of the world,and taking general abuse on a daily basis.

    The usual expectant university leavers who, according to them, are entitled to a well paid job wont get out of bed for the £19000 starting salary taking into account the "terms and conditions" of the job nowadays, i.e greater paid less hassle employment, not to mention the potential to lose ones life.

    As usual people only see the money!
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