Read in the local paper that the "travellers" were in town again. The local councillors had been around the area issuing mini alarms to the local residents. This caused outrage with some people accusing them of racism! Well, here I am, 3am sat at work after a break in, what a coincidence eh. I am approx 500yds as the crow flies from there caravans. Smashed into work via the roof and caused quite a lot of damage, probably a few grands worth. We all know how these people operate yet we cannot do anything about them. I remember about 15 years ago the "travellers" burgled a couple of properties in the Asian area of town. The following day they were gone apart from a couple of overturned caravans, they didn't trouble that community again, no arrests etc. The thing is, if I were to go mob handed now and dish out some justice, I wonder what length of sentence I would face for improving society? My mate challenged a guy in his rear enclosed garden 2 days ago. The guy had obviously climbed his locked gates and was eyeing the gaff up. When my mate shouted to him the bloke asked if he wanted any tarmacking done!
I think the local crime figures would make interesting reading whilst these "travellers" are in town. Most of the thefts and burglaries would probably go unreported but where the Police have been involved the figures should speak for themselves. Has anyone done this? Can it be requested under the freedom of information act?
Sorry about the break in. I offer an alternative theory though. The local crims know that the 'travellers' are in town and that if there is a break in, that the police are more likely to look at the travellers as the guilty party.
our local paper reports numerous heating oil thefts from time to time its just coincidence that these happen when the pikies are in the area
all it would take is a couple of hidden phallanx installations in each corner of the field at Appleby, wait till night and you can get the lot in the cross fire. Then just strafe with napalm via a B52 for good measure and mop up the rest around the country... which you can all gather in one place and tell them to take a shower... not that I've had bad dealings with the filthy subspecies or anyowt. oh and then turn plane onto that town across the water thats full of 'em!
Ah the're a great bunch of lads bar the con artistry, robbing of the vulnerable and old people, beating shit out of each other and everyone else, etc....great lads otherwise
When the fair was in town a few years back, my sisters caravan was stolen, Coincidentally the last night of the fair as the pikey express was leaving. She phones plod who say "oh another one" and give her a crime number...
I live among them. The small town I live in was built on pikey land, and by christ the good lord tried his best to flush them out over the last couple of months. But they're here to stay, this is where they come when the fairground season is over. And it's living proof that the old adage 'they won't shit on their own doorstep' is a complete load of bollocks. If there is a wedding or funeral in the family they come in droves, stripping the place bare like a pack of locusts. They will steal anything, anywhere, at any time of day or night, no matter who it belongs to. They are not a proud race, they are not 'fundamentally sound' or 'good lads deep down', they are thieving pikey scumbags. And they should be culled.
I guess the crime reference is necessary for an insurance claim. Otherwise... Tongham couple's caravan 'being lived in by travellers' - Get Surrey I think this was fairly widely reported at the time, especially by the Daily Mail.
I'd like to put a fair and balanced argument in their favour but I cant for the life of me think of anything good to say about the thieving parasites. I'd deport them back to Ireland. Via a human cannon, which may or may not have enough ballistic capabilities to reach the emerald isle. Vermin.