If you go to the very top left of Ducatiforum page and click on Ducatiforum.co.uk you will see a link to the The Triumph Forum If anyone also runs a Triumph or is interested please take a look. Be nice to get a few new members and turn it into a decent hangout for closet Ducati owners who are either too nervous or poor to be here
I am already on here Triumph Sprint Owners Club - Powered by vBulletin . If I start with any more forums I wont have time for eating.
Yeh, I'm on there as well (got a 1600 Thunderbird as well as the 999S) but they're not as nuts as you lot so it's a bit formal. There must be some Triumph owners/ex owners/maybe-one-day owners here who can liven things up a bit over there. Hope you don't regret this Rob!
I sat on a 675 Daytona before I bought my 1098 and while the seat was marginally more comfortable, mahogany rather than concrete, the position was agonising.
Not sure what you mean..... Like a bat out of heaven: Vicar claims world record for fastest motorcycle hearse | Mail Online