MOTORCYCLE CANCER - Shielded Seats - Radiation Cancer Risk Motorcycle Seats - Motorbike Seats Interesting???
What a load of gonads. So he's got a meter that could not be clearly seen as he kept moving it about and what was it connected to? A microphone? some kind of sensor? Who knows? not anyone watching his video that's for sure. Not very interesting.
I'm not taking any chances - gonna get this fitted to the 748 next week, with twelve layers of foil underneath. Sorted !
What a load of pony ... EMF is everywhere .. It's in the home .. It can make you feel a bit weird but it has to be major amounts .. Why hasn't that dodgy bloke Derek Accorah and his ghost hunting with his EMF tester .. He's been looking for that stuff for years !! His bits have not dropped off I reckon he's got confused and he's been blasting this out of his Goldwing stereo
all head phones use magnetic forces, all electric motors create them.....we are surrounded daily.....oh no we're all gonna die Lidl are going to run out of Baco foil :biggrin: and for women motor cyclists does the pressure and vibration affect them ?? reading page 2 ..... "Of special concern to the public and Congress are magnetic fields of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF’s, from 3 to 3000 Hz or 3 KHz), a spectral range including the power grid frequency of 60 Hz, and its harmonics." well that covers pretty much all of modern technology and the earths magnetic field that protects us from the suns CME's.....thats good magnetic