The Waste Of Resources Department

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Sev, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. So there I was having a coffee minding my own.

    I was within earshot (well couldn't help it really- I don't think anyone had a choice BUT to listen to them.

    Him "... But you read her cv, she's got a masters, and from a good university why wouldn't we get her in for an interview?"

    Her " I know she ticks all the boxes, but I just wouldn't get her in.."

    Now I'm a bit sensitive at the mo when it comes to this sort of stuff and my piss was starting to boil, as mrs Sev has been looking for work for the last two years, every day every hour, and when the bastards have been arsed to reply it's always you're to old /young /fat / thin/ inexperienced / too experienced etc.

    And it's jumped up secretarial twats like this that are sat dismissing her on a whim whilst drinking their wankercchino.

    Sorry. Rant over. :/
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