The webs oddest communities?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. How about Brazilian fart porn ?
  2. Buttons. 2 eye's or 4. Its a dilemma with an intense and furious debate.
  3. No debate 4 or poppers
  4. Controversial...
  5. Radical - I like it
  6. Don't mention Velcro
  7. Splitter!
  8. someone mention Independence?
  9. Splitters
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  10. I suppose being a member of a community that talks daily about a certain Italian brand of 2-wheeled transport is a bit odd.

    The airport carpet spotters must think we're out to lunch.
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  11. What`s odd about that?
  12. thats just scatty
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