There's This Bloke Down The Road!

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Noods, Nov 10, 2016.

  1. There's this bloke down the road.... Who sells cheap used cars for cash..

    I tried to find out what the law is on it but no one seems to really know...

    It's peeing a lot of people off as the cars he sells are all over the place.. He always has one on the pavement near his home and then 3 more on the pavement 30m down. the road. He only takes cash! And we have estimated he's selling 10 cars a week maybe more.. As soon as one sells he's a replacement for it, so we think he's a lot of stock around the town..

    Just think if he's making £100 per car cash, that's a grand a week cash! So why is the taxman not breaking his door down?

    All the authority's have been contacted by various people living in the area, but still it goes on..
  2. #2 Nigel Machin, Nov 10, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2016
  3. they would also need to be taxed if they are between owners if you like but that would be almost impossible unless he is selling on their behalf.
  4. As said above, they all need to be taxed to be parked on the road/pavement, have a look on the DVLA website. Failing that you could give him a polite notice that its pissing people off. If that fails torching one or two of them might get your point across a little better.
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  5. Reporting an untaxed car gets them to show up next day bright and early in my experience. Beyond that you'd have to find out if the police care that he may not have permits or be paying rates etc.
  6. We've tried so far...

    The police.. Not our problem
    Local MP .. I will make some calls... Then nothing..

    Trading standards... Nothing
    Inland Rev... Contact trading standards..

    Trading standards again.. Nothing..

    The Council.. Bloody waste of time..

    What annoys most of the street is he must have a load of these around the streets as no sooner one goes another appears.. Obi gets them from a car auction.. And he's coining it in.. You would think the inland Rev would be keen to help but no.. On the basis of the amount he sells we reckon he's making 50K cash a year plus.. He's prob claiming un-employment benefit too!...
  7. Funny the things that interest plod and those that don't.
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  8. 50k per anm,, mm about 1k per week,, sos about ( without accountant ) thats about 200£ p wk,,, mm bad stuff,,, i can just imagine how much of your valuable time you are spending on flagging up Vodaphone , Apple , Virgin , Starbucks etc for their multi millions,,, good on yer mate,, we need people like you..
  9. It's bloody annoying to be doing an average of 72 hours a week and getting hit hard at source by the taxman and yet this ones coining it in and yet he lives in a council house with his parents.. He's a couple of miles away from me the police told us all the cars are not his as the mobile numbers on the windscreens are all different .. We rang them.. And surprise surprise while I kept him talking on one of his numbers Mrs N called another number, it rang as I was speaking to him... Miss Marple could of worked that one out... The annual income is based on him making £100 a car could obv be far more..
  10. can you not go self employed,, paye is just legal extorsion
  11. I will join your biker gang and we can cut his face off or something.
  12. i think biker gangs are all accountants or bankers ( or brickies ) nowadays and dont do violence anymore !!
  13. who mentioned speeding!!!!!!!
  14. Appreciate your thoughts mTe on paye but that's not what I'm trying to say really... I'm annoyed that the Torys said they were going to deal with all kinds of cheats in society eg benefits and tax evasion matter how many hours any of us work we are expected to pay our dues and the more you work the greater you pay.. Yet those authority's just can't be bothered to investigate this guy who's prob guilty of fraud! Yet I go up the road on my Ducati and the cops will pull me over for little if any reason at all..I'm told this guy gets violent if you confront him regarding a car he's sold you etc.. Well bring it on ... I can soon get as many berth opps as I want to tear him apart if need be anytime.. Berth opps for those who don't know are guys / animals who lash the containers to the decks of some of the largest ships in the world in all weather, minus 20 windchill sometimes with really heavy steel bars.. Trust me these guys are bloody hard and take no prisoners .. Some of you may be aware I had an ex b in law who destroyed our family.. He got 8 years which wasn't enough.. Let's just say he had a little accident on his release.. Obv As I told the cops ( he was my only b in law so they will suspect me first for obv reasons) I'd abso no idea how that could of happened.. We may go buy a car off this guy and then take it back again.. Lol.. Ps I don't condone violence at anytime.. But when your family goes through complete hell and justice is not done sometimes accidents just happen.. X
  15. Ha .. See my latest post mTe but thanks... X
  16. Not this one mTe see my post also X
  17. I do my utmost to help kids with all kinds of issues in life through my voluntary work which I'm happy and proud to do... If it helps anyone to avoid morons like my ex b in L below.. It's worth all the, at times, painful work..

    Read if you wish... This is him
    Chelmondiston: ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ rapist David Lucas jailed for eight years - News - Ipswich Star

    Iff the powers that be on this forum don't like seeing the facts which destroyed a loving tight family, fine, take it down .... The truth normally hurts after all..
  18. who is going to sell his cars if he is in jail.
  19. Vile man ( not you noodles)

    He needs a meeting with a baseball bat
  20. But I know Kung fu.
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