1. My wife, no bullshit, that's number one. 2. My daughters and grandchildren. 3. My Multistrada, I have been riding on or off road since 1965 and could not be without a motorcycle. 4. My I pad. I am an old fart but the I pad is a great communication tool. 5. My car as I need a vehicle when it's cold or wet. 6. The sun, but I have to do without that now and again. 7. Money, I am fortunate in that I have a great pension. 8. Health, should be higher in the list but do not want to dwell on that too much. I hope this may generate a few thoughts on what is important to you
Martin, I think my other half would be with you on that one! He came in to the bedroom this morning to say "There's been an emergency" I was afraid he was going to say one of the handymen assembling the shed in the back garden had hurt themselves or something else actually serious, but no .... the coffee grinder had stopped working (He spent the rest of the morning taking it apart, re-soldering a dodgy joint, and it now works again ... phew!) Apart from the basics (air, food, water, health) I agree with Stressed Hippo and Pete 1950 re books and bog roll, and would probably add paper tissues. Not having a tissue when you've got a runny nose is one of life's real annoyances.