1200 Thinking Of Getting A 1200s

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Steve Wright, Jan 11, 2021.

  1. Looking to get to Multi 1200s on a 12 plate had demo service done, this is to have alongside a sports bike.

    Should I or not, only had a go on a 1260 when the bike was in for a service.

    Can you put a quick shifter on this bike okay.

  2. Do it you won't regret it. I wouldn't worry too much about fitting a quick shifter either. Just ride it like a supermoto and you'll never stop smiling.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. ^^ as above just do it!
    I had one for a number of years went all over the uk, Ireland, France and Spain
    A very capable, comfortable and quick bike
    I hesitated at buying the full termignoni system, should have done that sooner it made a huge difference in the smiling department!

    You’ll love it. C9BB5B19-6CA0-451E-99F3-76C4F595F4EE.jpeg
    It now lives in Denmark
    #3 Carr01, Jan 11, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2021
  4. Loved my 11 plate S..

    Pro's and cons between it and my 17 plate DVT but the earlier Ohlins shod S was, in my opinion the better handling of the two.

    A very, very good bike. So much so, I almost bought my old one back from my friend who sold it recently...



    • Like Like x 1
  5. You'll love it if you like a visceral iding experince. More twitchy(aka) flickable than 1260 at speed. No experience of qs soz.
  6. Good choice.
    I concur especially since you're pairing it with a sportbike.
    Otherwise I would have said to go with the 1260.
  7. I sold my 2011 Pikes Peak in 2016 and have regretted it ever since. So much so that I just bought another on a 2013. Best bike I've ever had.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Stop thinking about it and get one
  9. QS is an option with the Tuneboy system for 2010- 2014 pre DVT .. along with custom maps, Launch and Cruise Control
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