Strange things apparently, possibly, might do, often, happen when you’ve been away from reality for a while. Eg visiting your own distant planet.. I had a check up the other day and the Specialist said examining my bonce, any abnormalitys Mr Noodles? I said yes, I seem to now have a desire and luv for a 999R in my life... the Doctor (no not that one) thinks I may have a fever... I’m not so sure....
excellent Noods , now make sure its a black swingarm model, and a xerox rep would be icing on the cake!! ps, these are not abnormalities, I assure you
I have heard that the 999R fever can be totally diablitating, and is best managed by purchasing one. There are side effects on your bank balance but these are outweighed by the smiles per miles therapy...
one can never have enough of something you love, a lovely old chap in his eighties just bought my vintage tractor, when I asked him what else he had in his collection ( I had the feeling it was not his only one lol ) the answer was; oh I am not entirely sure but the last time I counted them there where over 45 of them lol, so noods just make it happen! and enjoy!
I think it would need some cosmetic surgery, but there’s something about it I really like.. not the silencers headlamps or mirrors .... and no not a xerox .. must be red.. they seem to be still available at a reasonable price too, well, apart from in SHEFFIELD obviously... x
i had a 749, and a 749R I love the styling. the 749R with carbon fairing is probably every bike you would ever need, the induction noise was epic
Not necessarily no, the Black Swing Arm was available as a 'Kit' option in 2003... I have a new one still in the box - came with all fittings and different brake line.