You don't need €21,000, it's just over €11,000, leave wife at home Working, or get her to pay her own way....
I might be 70 years old but I’m still rather attached to my ‘bits’ and would much rather not have them hacked off with a rusty kitchen knife. Andy
I just discussed this with my wife. She said she’d gladly escort me 5 days in Tuscany. I told her that for 10.000€ « guest » extra, I could get a high end 25 years old escort girl… Did I just jeopardize my « bits »?
The title is a bit tongue in cheek, we’ll actually be working our way up the French west coast from Spain that week and then I’m back over to Seville for 3 days on track. But you are correct, you only live once Andy
Yeah I got that email too………..I love Ducati but for that kind of money for 4 nights (excluding flights) I’d want a never ending supply of hookers and coke thrown in too
Look in the bright side, probably saved you from having your tackle removed with a blunt rusty kitchen knife