Having had a selfie competition with (a very excitable) @mattmccabebrown last night (see below for evidence) at the MotoGP show (all right Matt wasn't interested but I'd promised Mrs T that I'd get a picture with Craig Doyle and Iwan Thomas) I bet there are a few photos people have got out there. You know.... the ones where you snuggle up to a celebrity/famous person and grin inanely just so you can show your friends. I'll start with a few from last night. Feel free to add your own.....the more ludicrous the better. The one with Dolye and Thomas was taken by Scott Reading.....great bikeist, shite photographer
@finm....oh MATE! Thats too good an opportunity to miss! I can see it now...both giving big thumbs up!
I know @Char has get a few with police officers already. Anyone got a traffic warden? I've got to pop into town later...
Lets get it done. First person to get a selfie with a copper who is giving them a ticket, wins a prize
will do my best. does he need to be in uniform as he will be in to pick up his car shortly. (hopefully out of uniform dont want the neighbors to talk).
Hmm. Not sure about that. That's a bit like Ducati going open class..... Not against the rules but not really in the spirit