This Isn't Funny...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Aug 24, 2020.

  1. I fecking hate Christmas, me....

    John Lewis is opening its Christmas shop earlier than ever after it found that searches for festive products had nearly quadrupled compared with last year.

    The retailer said the online store, selling lights, trees and hampers, opened on Monday lunchtime, 10 days ahead of last year, as shoppers bored by weeks of lockdown were already thinking about how to decorate their homes in December.

    Jason Billings-Cray, John Lewis’s Christmas buyer, said: “Christmas always provides a reason for celebration and a welcome break. Understandably, it looks as if people are looking forward to and planning for it earlier than ever this year.

    “Christmas celebrations mostly take place in our homes and we have seen how the lockdown has made people think more about their homes, so perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that people are already thinking about how they will decorate their homes this Christmas.”
    • WTF WTF x 1
  2. I don't hate Christmas but I don't like stores that sell Christmas stuff year round and don't go to them. There is a gift shop here that is currently having a "Christmas Sale". Seemed ridiculous at first considering we are going through another hot humid wave but then I am guessing that sales must be crappy so they are trying to draw the Christmas shoppers out to make enough money to stay afloat. A lot of those stores depend on customers coming in to shop for the warm fuzzy experience and don't do much if any online sales.
  3. A"Christmas Sale". That beats everything! I am not a fan of violence but such people need the crap beaten out of them. It's effing August, the hottest month of the year and now it's time to fantasise over it snowing at Christmas - in this time of global warming... There must be a sizeable majority of people with an IQ of less than 2.
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  4. Unfortunately commercialism has highjacked Christmas, it pressurises people into spending money they don’t have.
    No longer is it a 1 week event in December, but it drags on into the new year with the pointless sales.
    Just in time for Easter to start in January.
    It’s a sad indictment of the society we have become.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  5. I refuse to buy from any retailer that sells crimbo crap before remembrance day - had a shop in our village take their decorations out of the window a few years back - their shop front is dead opposite the War Memorial.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. [Q
    It should really be a criminal offense to even mention the word, "Christmas" before 11/11. My late father was in Burma during WW2. I bet he was thinking, "fook this! I need to get back to blighty to do my Christmas Shopping!".
  7. What if there was a Christmas discount sale on new Ducatis?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. I just laugh at people who hate Christmas shopping and online shops opening early. They are not forced to participate in Christmas, just as they are not forced to go online and look at a Christmas shop.
    Someone might like Christmas shopping. ;)
  9. No, expect the prices to go up after the 1st of January.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Are we having a Christmas this year ? I fully expect it to be postponed until 2021 :(
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
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