Now doing porridge..... VIDEO: £135,000 benefit cheat couple claimed they were too ill to make their own food - but were caught running a cafe (From Bury Times)
Let's see now, £73,975 fraudulently claimed, paid back at £140 a week. So 528 weeks, or about 10 years. We won't hold our breath, then.
These scumbags should be scrapped of all benefit income for 10 years as a lesson to all the OTHER wa$%"rs out there. I detest people like this with a passion. These are the sort of people that are so envious of your hard earned Ducati that has come from the sweat of your own palm that they then hatch out a plan to relieve you of it. B*&^%$DS And a whole lot more very strong expletives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, but I am so angry. The thieving low life F***PIGS. Liars and Aaaagh!! this is bothering me so much. Ruined my Sunday morning. P***ING B******S.
Well you could. But they would be much more likely to break into your gaff and steal your stuff rather than starve. It's the lesser of evils.
Why does anyone claiming benefit recieve more money than anyone who works?Surely it should be capped at minimum wage level?
Yeah.... But I think it's fantastic how every time someone gets pinched they always get pinched for the polar opposite for what they were claiming benefits for eg.... Woman claims she's fraud of open spaces get a pic taken on hols in the middle of a desert! Another bloke claims he's can't go out as he's afraid of heights.... Gets found out teaching rock climbing... Awesome.