This smog/air pollution at the moment

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. It's a bit shit innit! We've not been able to see further than 20m for the past three days! And you can feel the dust/sand getting in your eyes.

    Not good. :(
  2. just watched that on the news. scary stuff.
  3. Watch out for more green taxes.
  4. Have you relocated to Shanghai? You kept that quiet.
  5. Being in the beautiful South, we have been bathed in glorious, albeit slightly sandy, sunshine all week.

    No doubt I'll be taxed for it:(
  6. Bike didn't like running in it yesterday
  7. Well the wind and rain cleared things today. We actually saw the sun this evening after work :upyeah:
  8. Wind? Rain?

    God, it must be grim oop north:Wideyed:
  9. I'm with Fig, dry and bright on site Thursday, lovely day on the south coast, drove back home to smog over Salisbury
  10. My car is blue/grey dusty and I only washed it Wednesday
  11. Well I'm sat waiting for my car to be washed by kosovans to get rid of the dust it's accumulated and the sun is out now :upyeah:
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