A student from Mauritius came here on a 2 year visa in 2011, has been educated here and is now being deported for overstaying. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-26856434 Personally, I can't see the problem. She's overstayed, hasn't been here that long and yet is terrified of going back? Bizarre
It's not that hard to get legitimate residency in the UK, so why didn't she or her parents bother? That's right, so she can sponge a decent, free education of the UK and then bugger off home straight afterwards, giving nothing back to the country that educated her. Don't let the door smack you on the arse on the way out...
Saw this on tv y'day. Lines have to be drawn, and claiming asylum because of an abusive relative isn't really asylum, is it Either extend her student visa (not sure why they cant) or send her home.
6 weeks away from her A level exams is unfortunate , BUT , A levels are usually taken at 17 to maybe 18. Not 19 . If she was that keen on an education then it should of happened . Sounds like a rouse to stay in the U.K. Mauritius or the U.K. ? wish I was young enough for that choice .
Basically they're saying she can get the same education back home, so there's no real reason for her staying. In that case she should go home. But what's the deal with her parents? From that article it sounds like they are staying here legitimately.
Just another person trying to circumvent the rules and play on the oh so politically correct uk. What a surprise
From the news coverage there certainly seems no reason for her to have stayed. But there again we are fed propaganda when it suits the authorities.
worked in a garage that took on two southafrican mechanics, one was a thieving rat bag the other was the salt of the earth. one got British citizenship the other didnt and had to leave. i will let you work out who got to stay.:Banghead: