1260 Throttle Spacer/ Engine Management Light...

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Box boy, Mar 6, 2021.

  1. Just fitted a throttle spacer to my 1260S and taken the Bike out.
    Noticed a small improvement at low speed coming on/off the throttle and all seems well.
    Stopped for fuel about a mile from home and noticed the Amber management light is on.
    Stopped and restarted bike but light still on.
    Any ideas or anyone else suffered this?
    Bike had its annual service about 60 miles ago...
  2. At what stage did you have the service ? If it's before time or before mileage, they can't reset the service indicator until after the time or miles have been exceeded. Andy
  3. If it’s the check engine light I would look at the exhaust valve first.
  4. Thanks Guys,just to clarify this is the Amber Engine Diagnosis light that’s come on after a trouble free 60 mile ride.
    Switched the engine on after filling up and the lights on.
    No issues with service dates etc and the exhaust valves bypassed.
    I’ll remove throttle spacer and see if this cures the problem...
  5. Strangely, my engine diagnosis light came on and stayed on today too under very simmilar circumstances.
    I took the long way round to buy some fuel for the chain saw and started up and pulled away to notice that the amber light was on. I tried turning it off and back on again to no avail, so crept home. Is there anyway to bring up diagnostic codes? or is that a silly question?
  6. The throttle spacer will have nothing whatsoever to do with this. Sounds to me like you need a re-visit to the dealership, especially only 60 miles since your service!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Nothing to-do about the throttle spacers.
    That's just spurious correlation. The problem is definitely elsewhere.
  8. Thanks again!
    I thought it was just coincidence but wondered if anyone else had suffered this,just the amber light on,no error codes etc.
    Looks like a phone call first thing Monday...
  9. Good luck with resolution.:upyeah:
  10. Can someone point me to a dummy's guide to these throttle spaces, what's it all about ?

  11. It's very simple. Ride-By-Wire throttle control has no cable which you can adjust (tighten) to remove any slack.
    Ducati has some built-in slack from the factory. In fact, about one or two degrees of throttle rotation before the throttle valves start to open.
    This can be annoying to some. The spacer just removes this slack whereby the throttle valves open upon the first degree of twist of the grip.
    Throttle management off-idle is much more precise.
    #11 DarR, Mar 7, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2021
  12. I get that now you've explained it :upyeah:
    I don't have the miles on mine to know if its a problem for me or not, buts that now info stored for future use if required :cool:

  13. And if you decide you might need this particular modification, then Nelly's your man @ Corner Speed. I haven't got his contact details to hand, but if you type them in on search here, they will pop up.

  14. What was the outcome?
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