Hi, I am assembling my 996 engine, and don't like the misalignment on the timing gears. I don't mean the dots (they align) but the shift between gears. It seems like I should have a distance inside the gear wheel on the crankshaft. When looking in the Haynes manual I am using, they don't mention this aligning at all, and the picture in the manual also has this misalignment. Does anyone know if this is a problem? Should I care or not? I attached an image to clarify what I am trying to ask
Its not possible to see from the picture but, are the 2 meshing gears the same width? If so then that is not right. Because the pressure on the teeth is less than optimal. If they are not the same width then it might be good but not necessarily.
Desmoboy, thanks for answering. No they are not the same width. The inner edge almost align, but not perfect. I would say the inner edge is misaligned with less than a millimeter.
It sure looks the same way. The timing gear have a "cut out", and maybe the idea is that the part without the cut out (the inner part) should be used, and not the outer part. But, if so, why is the gear made in that width? I think I will accept it as it is Thanks