Tiny Pleasures

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. I'm not talking about the major pleasures in life - we all know what they are - but the little things which give you a momentary boost. Like:
    * Poking a wood fire with a poker
    * Popping bubblewrap in your fingers
    * On a scorching hot day, sitting in the shade
    * Sliding into a hot bath with plenty of time to spare
    * Opening a new hardback book and reading the first sentence
    * Switching on the Christmas tree lights and they work

    * Seeing the first butterfly in spring
    * Popping a champagne cork
  2. a smile from a customer when the bill is handed over, not fin fin you to expensive when youv been under there car till midnite getting them mobile, taken 3hrs charging them 2hrs. i am tired and grumpy.
  3. Waking up in the morning and realise that the nagging cold you've had the past week is gone
  4. Bird song. The crisp smell in the air on an autumn morning. Listening to the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet by Craig Armstrong. Making love to a beautiful woman and holding her in your arms. Having a duvet day and switching all mobile communication off.
  5. When the subject of my avatar jumps on my lap and starts to pur.
  6. Autumn colours and the first snows on the Lakeland Fells and first daffodils in Spring.
  7. Corrected for you ;-)

    Having any decent conversation with my son, it happens so rarely, as does watching a funny tv program we all get belly aching at
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  8. just watched my apprentice save a snail and put him outside that made me smile
  9. Reading in the bath
    Cloudless starry sky
    Seeing wildlife
    My homemade pizza
    Using the front door I made
    A chord on my guitar
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  10. Kittens
  11. bacon & eggs cooked on a camp fire
  12. Castrol R
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  13. Holding in your hand anything that has been well designed and beautifully crafted e.g. a watch, fountain pen, katana, good engineering tools (micrometer etc)
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  14. looking at my beautiful self in the mirror.
  15. the first run in a new pair of trainers
  16. Prefer A7 myself:biggrin:
  17. Reading on the bog
    A good scratch
    Turning a key in a well oiled lock and feeling it go 'clunk'
    A good stretch when you yawn
    Mopping up the last bit of your dinner with a piece of bread
    A good shit
    A kiss from your most loved one
    A smile from a pretty stranger
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  18. Sitting in my Taxi on Douglas Seafront (Isle of Man) waiting for passengers to come out at 5am, watching the Sun come up over the bay. Breathtaking.

    Sadly I don't live there now, but that will live with me forever.
  19. Being thanked when I've held a door open for someone, visiting my sons grave as I remember the years of good times, the smell of creosote, the M25 on a good day, beautiful morning sunrises, and the first cup of coffee in the morning...
  20. Bit of an Em fan myself.
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