I visited OnYerBike today and parked up next to some cock talking way too loud on his mobile... I could still here him from the Kawaski show room and he was outside the leathers bit. Had a look around then came back to my machine where matey (on his brand new BMW GS1300) was now chatting to a French guy. He had the nerve to call my machine ".....designed for old men", however he didnt think I'd heard him. I glared over and the French guy just looked at the ground. I was so tempted to wheel spin from my space, but I might have chipped the staffs Ducati's parked just behind. If an MTS1200 is designed for old men...well I'm looking forward to more Ducati as I mellow with age. There was a time when I'd have eaten his face off.
I think he may have been insinuating that your kids need to have left home before you can afford a Multi.
I must be old then, flip up lid and a Multi ! Is it down hill from here at 48 ? The question is aimed at any really old farts Back to the post he's just another jealous one I bet
How anybody riding a BMW GS can call any other bike 'for old men' just proves the bloke is clearly a cock. I'm 36, following my ride earlier tonight I very much doubt he'd think there was anything old man about it. Oh well, each to their own and all that
Oi! 39, yes I have a flip up lid, because I am too much of a lazy arse to take it off at the garage LOL