Tom Tom charging dock Tom Tom rider.

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by He11cat, May 26, 2013.

  1. Very fed up ... Mine is broken used under ten times out if warranty now.
    Anyone else had this?
    Won't allow me to charge from cable on bike !

    The actual bit that slides on back of nav that you then pop charging cable in
    Even better no longer comes with the Tom Toms I looked at !!!!
    They charge a fortune for the Rider Pro and then make you spend more to buy the charger !!!!!!!

    Pretty disgusted :( :(
  2. can you not get a replacement part on the bay?
  3. its a common problem, tomtom rider 2 dock fits the urban and pro ones, new one now comes with powered cradle again, deffo a flaw in the design with them.
  4. the mount on the rider v1 is total dog shit
    my friend has 3 dead ones now and working ones are harder and harder to come by 2nd hand

    i did see an ebay item a little while back that was an aftermarket dock/mount that charged the device from the usb socket
    cant find it now though offhand but might be worth hunting about
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