My 999 wasn't there 'cos it refused to start. Tried bumping it down hill after battery went flat then pushed it home sweating and swearing. Recharged battery but only firing on 1. Not happy. It was running great Saturday.
My 900ssie was there with me (of course) and my daughter on the back , great day. and yes a lot of Ducatis all round. My daughter spent a good 20 minutes wandering round choosing her favourite, she eventually chose a pair of bikes, a Pani chained to a 1098.
I was there on the ST2,but didn't see any forum stickers? Nearly didn't get home though,due to the thoughtless helmsman of some monstrous fully freighted BMW barge who decded to change lanes without using his mirrors/indicators or wits.... I took to the grass,momentarily But the impact of my angry glare and mouthed obscenity were somewhat diminished by my black visor...