1200 Enduro Torque Values

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Sotos christou, May 28, 2017.

  1. Confused. What are the torque figures of wheel axle bolts front and rear???
  2. I'm no Enduro owner but if you are talking about the big nuts that hold the wheels, it's 63Nm front, 230Nm back (both sides) and if you are talking about the axle retaining screws, it's 10Nm for the four front (Non Ohlins) and 35Nm for the two at the back (also used for adjusting the chain). This is relevant to the 1200 MTS ABS ('11 model). The Enduro may have differences.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Values are different on the Enduro... I'd call your dealer and check. The know the rear on the Enduro is 180, not 230. Not sure about the front... but do check !!
  4. Thank you you are right 180 at the ack and 63 at the front
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