So I set the tps, balanced throttle bodies bleeds closed, and proceeded to set the co to I believe 4% is optimum, I couldn't remove the test ports from the headers so had to opt for pushing as far down the open cans as possible, not 100% accurate i know. what's more important at idle ? balanced or equal CO, I know the air bleeds have no real relevance at wot. Its a balancing act between CO/idle and air bleeds, ideally is best to have bleeds closed as much as poss. she idles good at 1250 ish and tracks nice equally through the rev range. Thanks Pat
be as gentle as possible if you carry out above when it comes to full adjustment/lock in either direction, preferably with a plastic tipped screwdriver (small straight blade) - even a modified wooden lolly stick will do.
Yes all good regarding co and adjustment, I purchased a small potentiometer screwdriver used for TVs. I found I had variations between the two (co) maybe due to header length maybe and sample points.
There's recently been a useful discussion on CO measuring and balancing in another thread ... .... well worth reading . On my bike , the exhaust gases from the two cylinders feed into a cross piece beneath the engine , before going to the silencers . It's difficult to fathom what effect this may have when measuring CO at each of the tail-pipes . Spoiler: exhaust gas mixing