I'm going to Silverstone next week with the 899. I've been to a few track days before without incident, but on an SV650s with crash protection on it. I'm starting to get a tad nervous about taking the 899 on the track, and am hence considering insurance. Anyone ever insure their bike for track days? Who do you use & what's covered? The other option is to rent on of Silverstone's 899s for ~£250 (inc. tyres & fuel), which might be the more sensible option.. Thoughts?
Track day insurance is okay in principle, but its my understanding that you can either cover the bike for cosmetic or mechanical damage, not both. Ive also heard that with some policies the excess is half the value of the bike. Oh and I believe that if you bin somebody else's bike, you're liable to the repairs, unless clearly otherwise stated
If you rent there will be a big fuck off excess clause........ Incase you bin it! I wouldn't bother with trackday insurance. Just ride within your limits and hope no one tucks the front whilst stuffing it up the inside of you. No pressure.... Good luck! And there is always more than one way to skin a cat.......
If you are worried about binning your P&J, you will not enjoy the day. If you cannot get into the mindset of "It's just a bike", you're better off renting one, especially if it is the same or similar model to your own.
I'm not quite sure I agree with that. I have insurance on the road in case something goes wrong. For me, track days are for finding personal limits and (progressively) pushing them. As such, 5 hours on a track poses significantly higher chance of falling of than 5 hours on the road. That said, the chances are still fairly low, so I risked it, and it was all fine (and awesome). The 899 is lovely on the track.