I've only done a few trackdays and have been very lucky in that it was either dry all day or dried up for half the day on the ones I've been on. I'm booked onto Cadwell on the 25th August, 1st time in inters group as I think it's time to move up from Novice, the weather looks awful all day, heavy rain and gale force winds. I don't have wets but was considering getting some on the day but at £390 a pair fitted I might see if the TDO allows anyone out first. At what point does the TDO cancel it?
They only cancel it if there’s a river flowing through Hall Bends and Noah turns up. Otherwise it’s wets or go home.
They won’t cancel it unless the circuit says it’s not safe (which is generally only decided on the day). It also basically means snow, ice or so much rain that the tracks flooded
I did a track day last year and it lashed down all day. And I mean lashed down! Did it on standard tyres and they were more than capable
Cheers, I figured it would need to be something extreme to cancel it, I'm going to turn up anyway. I'm using Michelin Power GP tyres, not sure how good they will be in the wet. Just checked, they are expecting 8mm of rain on track at 9am, that's going to cause some flash floods.
You may be surprised. Most tracks are fairly well drained with grippy tarmac. As long as you are smooth, most people don't come near the limits of the tyre in the wet.
Road tyres are fine. As long as they aren’t supercorsa type ones. Mate following me for a while on full wets. I’m on the multi (about 5 mins) on PR4s. Very wet. Smooth and steady
The Michelin Power GP tyres i have are new to the market so little info regarding their wet use capability, they are equivalent to the supercorsa tyres I think.
Had a track day at Cadwell cancelled last June due to high winds and torrential rain, they waited until 11am to call it, loads of no shows but for those that turned up and signed on we got a credit voucher for the value od the day.
BSB a few years back Iirc they were driving cars around to clear the track. That was a last minute decision to call it off.
Ha ha ha, I remember that day, I made it as far as the layby on the A20 just south of the M25 to meet Guy Cope one of the BSB photographers, we had a chat, turned round and went home lol.
Yep. I was quite gung ho like that until I had a scary "moment" this time last year on tyres that had probably had one too many heat cycles or the edges of the tread grooves had been ground away and they were pretty slippery.