So, I was going round the roundabout fairly leaned over when the bike felt like it was going from under me! then it came back which threw me a bit but at this time felt I was going down and ended up up the kerb and on the roundabout...................I did laugh at myself at this time but when I got home noticed I had nasty knick on the front wheel. Would/could a feeling like that be the traction control kicking in and out?
Diesel on the roundabout not allowing the traction control time to work quick enough perhaps? Or should it - never had this witchcraft on a bike...
Try it again. But check your tyre pressures too and how squared off the rear tyre is. Probably not best time of year but find a corner you know well and play with tc settings to see what it feels like when it cuts in. I'd have been doing this in week 1 of ownership, I'd love to try something with it on.
Weather was dry, fairly warm no debris really not sure what speed but didn't think it was excessive. Might have a look at your idea 1037 if we get a warm day? Tyre pressures I'm a little anul about and certainly not squared off.
Have to say, when I feel the back end going I just assume I've over-cooked it and don't generally look for other causes. Never having had it, I'm not sure I'd ever really trust TC. I'd rather trust the seat of my pants. Banging the throttle open mid-corner and relying on a little plastic box of electronics with some wires sticking out to keep me out of hospital goes against my instincts. But then I grew up in a time when nothing on a motorcycle that involved wires could be trusted, so what do I know.
My DTC is switched off. I use it on the track only. I dont ride in the rain and I dont nail it on the road, so its pretty much switched off
Sounds perfectly sensible. I know a lad who passed his test (or the final bit of his test - I'd don't understand the system now) and went straight out and bought an S1000RR. He has never ridden that or any other powerful bike with the rider aids switched off. He is pretty brutal with the throttle and relies completely on the electronics to keep him out of trouble because he knows no different. I dread to think what might happen if the box of tricks ever packs up.
Casey Stoner would pin a throttle open giving full faith in the early TC electronics to stop him crashing. And he won 2 world championships at the highest level. Modern road bikes probably have better stuff than his Ducati did too, It's there to help, use it, go faster I'd love something with a good TC/ABS system but am too poor
Doesn't sound like traction control to me, just sounds like a normal grip loss and gain. You'd know if the TC is coming on as the dash would flash.
A lot of variables..... Did you load up the front end suspension ? Simon Crafar reckons if the rear is ever coming around or you're loosing the back end, one finger on the clutch and give it a gentle squeeze will help the rear to come back inline (?).