Transaltion help

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Ok I been asked to translate a history of MC club from PL to English,

    Done that but need help to make it sound more like rughty tufty motorcycle speech and avoid spelling mistakes.

    Please have a look and feedback to me so I can send it back? Thx.

    In the mid-70s of last century, our generation has grown to the idea of riding motorcycles of all kinds in the area. Hardly anyone could afford a new bike from Polmozbyt, but next door were dozens of pre-war motorcycles damaged and abandoned by the retreating, in panic, German troops. Few remember the times when the driving license for a motorcycle included basic knowledge of a motorcycle engine and the exact construction of the motorcycle. Upon successful completion of the exam young riders bought, for a few hundred at best, damaged motorcycle and gave him a second life. They spent, in the garage of parents or friends, countless hours until came the long-awaited moment of testing the repaired pride and joy. A few rides around the chimney in their own hood became boring after short time, it was suggested to go further out. In our case, the first meeting took place at the Big Bike Rally 3 organized in 1976 by DKM Warsaw. It is there where friendships lasting till this day were established. Year later, in 1977, we meet at a rally in Łączy near Gliwice organized by the Harley Davidson Club Gliwice and a few weeks later, another rally in Chełm Lubelski. At the beginning of June 1978 we met in room Darek Wolf and unanimously decided to set up a motorcycle club called Veteran Club VC-1978. The first club president was Tadeusz Rybak who was also one of the original people suggesting the idea of a club. The next step was to write to all members of the Automobile Club of Silesia and obtain a club room at the Delegation at Huta Katowice. In December 1978, our club has organized the second Congress of Clubs in Podlesice a year later, the third congress. We organized first international meeting in Rogoźniku in 1979, and several days later we took part in the opening ceremony of the Individual Speedway World Championship played at the Silesian Stadium. In December 1981, the activities of the club were suspended by some strange law yet we still participated in many more motorcycle events. The turmoil of history scattered many members of our club all over the world. In 2005, after the funeral of our friend Mirek Stefańczyk founder and long running RRMC President we decided to reactivate the club under some new rules. In summer 2006 we had our first official integration meet in Zywiec. We elected Andrzej Drożdż as president of the club VC-1978 and Andrzej Żyłka as second in line. In spring 2008, by decision of Congress of Polish Motorcycle Clubs, club receives right to display the club colors on the front of the vests. Finally at the congress of Polish Motorcycle Clubs On 06.10.2012, our club has obtained the status of the MC. Since the beginning, our club has always lived by the rules of friendship, mutual sincerity and brotherhood. Among new members of our club is the next generation of many of us. Piotr Dudek VC1978MC
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