I've currently got a 2013 multi on tri options which I've had for 2 and a bit years and planning on changing in Feb March next year to a new bike. I'm toying with the idea of a diavel after taking one out the other day when mine was getting service and loved it. Great fun but I suspect to me it may be a bit of a novelty bike that I'd bore of and want the new multi. Is there any reason I couldn't trade my multi in and get a older second hand diavel and keep for a year then change again. Can I do this in the scheme and do you think it would work out expensive. Wouldn't bother getting new but likely just a tidy 2nd one or ex demo or similar, Thanks
Yes you can, just be careful of the interest rates because sometimes on used bike they are higher, as an incentive, u are likely to find your best option is to use the equity u have on yours to buy a new diavel, but keep the payments high if u don't want to end up in negative equity if u then want to change a year later.
Thanks phil. Wasn't aware of that so fair point. Would rather pick up ex demo or low Mikeage one that's a year old so Apr shouldn't be much different
Often the supplying dealer will offer a better trade in if they are keen to clear another bike, bearing in mind they will likley have more profit in used than new. So you may get a better px than against a new model
Thats a fair point. I like the idea of the diavel as it's very different than most other bikes and was good fun and quicker than expected. May try and get a longer ride and see if dealer has a low mileage one