Trial Poll - Culpable Homocide - Guilty Or Not

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Exige, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. What do we think?
  2. When he lost his race at the London Olympics he showed his true colours straight away with his rant about the winner who had better springs.(Ohlins?) quite frankly he seems to be a weasel ,but with the door closed etc we can never know the truth,ever. And so to answer your question... I really don't know, I could not convict someone firing through a closed door, not with 100% certainty. So it's not an answer?
  3. Understand, but I was asking what we think, not what actually happened, as you say, this will never be known :)
  4. [​IMG]
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  5. How can I have a real view? I wasn't in the court following all the proceedings.
    I'll leave it to those who were to decide, except that in this case, there isn't even a jury. Glad the UK doesn't have this rather dodgy legal system.
  6. At the point he shot through the door he wasn't under threat himself and whether he thought it was an intruder or not his actions were intended to kill.
    Just my opinion.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. He was using dum-dums.
    Maximum damage stuff.

    Highly unpleasant.
  8. All i can say is if the uk had a similar system there would be a lot of money saved on divorce fees.
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  9. Obviously, quite clearly guilty.
    Will he actually be found guilty? I have my doubts...
    It's all about the politics, not the reality of what happened. After all, OJ Simpson got away with it...
  10. Just answering the question as requested after an indecisive first post that did not answer the question,just being polite to Exige.
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