Featured 1199 Tricolore..

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by simon Ridley, May 14, 2024.

  1. Well I've lusted after a Tricolore since they came out. So I eventually found as far as I can see a decent one, v low mileage with some nice DP extras. 20240308_194901.jpg
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  2. The carbon on the exhaust heat shield didn't match the rest of the carbon so I purchased one from a 1199r as the bike has a full termi system on. 20240313_174722.jpg 20240313_174710.jpg 20240313_193506.jpg
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  3. Quite abit of effort just for a heat guard...
  4. Few more extras as well.
    DP Levers.
    Gold wheels, ...
  5. Very nice mate
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  6. A man after my own heart,as totally agree....
    If you are going to have carbon,it's definitely got to match !!!
    Looking very nice mate.... Enjoy !!!
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  7. 20240501_111758.jpg 20240501_111758.jpg 20240501_111748.jpg 20240501_111845.jpg 20240501_095208.jpg 20240501_111748.jpg
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  8. Nice wheels
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  9. Well done. Hope you enjoy it. They are THE most beautiful bike.

    God knows what’s happened to Ducati styling in recent years, they don’t make anything as pretty as that.

    That’s why I’ve got one.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
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