
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Evoarrow, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. Behave, or your going to prison!
  2. I hope you're taking notice of yourself :)
  3. Yep, but I am just being a pain, not 'trolling' in the legal sense.
  4. Boo! :Smuggrin:
  5. Yes Evoarrow tut tut
  6. It's either decorate or annoy you lot. I don't like decorating :(
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Ah, the Trollette has turned up - wondered how long it would be, she's there, always, waiting to pounce :Wideyed:
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  8. How do I go about getting this account deleted? Just asking :)

  9. Oh and there's Exige :)
  10. Always one step behind me
  11. Trolling is not a legal term, and "genuine" trolling is not being abusive, offensive or threatening online.
    I'm surprised that we're not using the existing laws to combat this...
  12. Why, when the govt can limit and inhibit free speech (as distasteful as it may be) even further?

    God forbid someone suggests the mccanns may be guilty...
  13. I just read an article on the BBC, I am still non the wiser.
  14. But hiding under a bridge and scaring billy goats is one of my favourite pastimes :(
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Be careful doing that - it can be dangerous!
  16. Nope, I was one step in front this time ;)
  17. Only if you scare the gruff ones...
  18. funnily enough, a mate is apparently getting sued by a local large haulage company for making online remarks regarding ALEDGED safety history.
  19. you should sue Bernie if he was rude to you :Wideyed:
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