well I think I need a re-map to deal with my rubbish fuelling. I really don't want to go all the way to CJS so I am thinking whether a good compromise is a Tuneboy or Rexxer. Has anyone any experience of either of these please?
Don't know if you've found your answer yet but here's my $0.02. I have had a Tuneboy for a long time on my 2012. It absolutely sorts out the crap low rpm fuelling and gives you at least another 1,500 rpm of usable power from around 2,200 - 2,500 rpm. I used the stock tune that it comes with as my bike has no intake or exhaust mod's. I rode a 2013 through the Alps last year and frankly, I think it's at least as good (if not perhaps even a bit better?) The real benefit though is the cruise control which is fantastic. I love it. If this is important to you then get the nudge button option. It's well worth the extra $$$'s.
Cruise control is not something that grips me. Anywhere you can use it would be roads I would be avoiding.
Well I ordered the Tuneboy and all is well. It took literally 30 mins to install the software and update the ECU with the new map and trim and the bike is much better at the bottom end. Didn't bother with cruise or QS though.
How does the cruise work , suppose you need buttons on the bars to operate it , any links to this system Many thanks
check out the other threads here ...use search. There are many reasons why you'd be better off with a full remap .....all clearly explained. There is also some really poorly researched opinions offered as fact...you'll work out which is which.