
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Evoarrow, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. Why oh why only at Christmas.
  2. because it helps to make Christmas even more miserable.
  3. Naaaaaaa. Its traditional
  4. Evoarrow, are you by any chance even more pissed than I am?
  5. I quite often buy turkey instead of chicken - although admittedly it's hard to get a whole one outside Xmas time. But then I've never asked either.
  6. Lower fat content in turkey (the food that is) :)
  7. I find turkey far more flavoursome than chicken, which ca be a little bland. I'd love to see better availability of turkey
  8. We always had a capon if we needed a bigger chicken - don't get those these days either
  9. or ration books.
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  10. we often have cold turkey instead of ham for sandwiches
  11. depends what you put in it.
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  12. local carvery serves turkey all year round
  13. too dry. prefer a moist goose

  14. ever seen how a turkey is raised?
  15. ... in rehab.
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