Hi there, just looking for some advice... i have just bought a new 2012 multistrada and i love it, i am still running it in and only have covered 350 miles so far but i cant seem to get the bike to corner as well as i think it should. I just sold a 2005 R1200gs which i felt ( ready to be ridiculed) i could carry corner speed and hold a line a lot more confidently than i can now. I am riding to the Nurburg ring next month to do some laps and wondered if any one had any ideas on how to improve it?? i am 6'3" and 13 stone and the bikes still on the original scorpions
1st thing you need to look at is the front and rear pre load. I stiffened mine up and it made the world of difference. I should point out at this stage I'm an FB. The stock set up can be a little soft so have a play. Andy
well the original tyres will do about 4 -5K, so depending how close you are, PR3`s are in a different league, sharper turn in, better feel & confidence. I would check the suspenders are all set to book standard before trying to adjust for your weight / style etc. at 13 stone you are at the limit of the rear spring, so you could move to the stronger spring but only after exhausting the options with the current spring. Set up the sag front and rear ps no idea which model you have but I see gold in the pic.so 1200S ? MIke
Thanks for the fast responses, Yes it is a 1200s no its not its just a standard and it only had 7 miles on it when i picked it up so i assume the suspension is standard, it will be getting its first service before i go so as suggested i will ask them if it is standard. the guy in the shop suggested having it set up at a shop in suffolk which i cant remember the name of. I have worked a lot on race cars but never messed with bike set ups so i guess its time to learn something new!
Have you tried the different riding modes yet? Riding in Sport mode makes a big difference to how the bike turns.
MCT in Stowmarket will be the best place to get it set up. Its a busy place though so book up well in advance if you want it setting up. .:: Online Home Of MCT Suspension ::.
MCT thats the place thanks for that duke63. Maybe DaveF means you can go in harder and come out quicker!?
He may well mean that. In my experience there's only four things that make bikes get through the bends quicker. Tyre profiles, suspension setup, talent and big bollocks!!!!
Sounds like definitely a suspension issue. The Scorps aren't bad once warm. And they do take a while. Try dropping rear pressure to 34 psior even 32 psi. You're not too much heavier than me so should be ok. If you're using a stock, definitely get the suspension tuned. Don't have to get it rebuilt, but new springs, oil and make a difference. If you intend to go touring +/- pillionm worth loading up the bike when doing it so you get optimal settings. Its worth doing. The stock suspension needs tuning. But once done, it is very rewarding. The engine modes, overall geometry itself is the heart behind 4-bikes-in-1.
Yep, thats what it is, Sport mode stiffens the bike up and it just feels like it turns in quicker. Works for me anyway. But it probably also means that I should get my bike set up too. And try for some talent and bigger bollocks )) Thanks for the MCT tip.
Sport mode ups the prelaod which raises right height, steepens steering angle which makes turning faster. Whether you can go round a bend faster depends. Suspension may be too hard and throttle response too abrupt. Ok for a track, but twisties may not work as well. Best thing about teh Multi, whether its the S version, 2010 or 2013, is ho much you can smoothly drive through bends, be really smooth and fast as a consequence. Fully loaded, by going smooth, even managed a mileage which theoratically exceeded the claimed 200 mile tank range.
Done 200 miles today. Mostly fast A and B roads. Used urban a lot, and switched on faster stuff to touring. Defo feel a large difference, urban being like I remember my 1200gs bimmer with soft, pliable and drifting rear where touring more like my old style multi taught and direct but less forgiving.
Got on well on both modes. Touring was actually quite good, despite previous reviewers suggesting its too snatchy. The elastic throttel response simulates an IL4, which can be useful on twisties. The difference is that I seem to get away with a higher gear than I thought. That's how I achieved good economy. Country roads can be done in 4th or even 5th gear.
Thanks everyone for the advice, i will be bookiing it in to MCT and see how we get on from there. Hopefully that, some more miles and bigger balls and maybe i will get under 10mins at the nurburg.....
Ditch the Scorpions and get some decent road tyres. If I hadn't already ridden my mate's Multi (with SportSmarts on), I wouldn't have bought one after the 'official' test ride because I hated the tyres.
I find them ok tbh, enough to get to the edge almost of the rear already and loads left on the front.