TV Licence....wheres my letter???

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. Come on you idle scumbags..wheres my monthly intimidation??

    its the 4th and i STILL havent received a new letter for my files..i sprinted down the stairs this morning but i was just a kleeeeneezeee catalogue...bugger
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  2. Funky refer yourself to your post "Rape of the English lanuage"
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  3. these are typos...fuck sake...its hard work sometimes...
  4. I know, You are such an angry young man. I love reading your posts. A lot of them I can picture you smashing the keyboard for every letter and then punching the post button

    By the way whats hard work educating the idiots like me or simply typing fast enough (lol)
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  5. anyway..were digressing here Higs....WHERES MY FUGGIN LETTER??? HAVE I GOT TO PUT A TELLY IN THE WINDOW again???
  6. You never 'sprinted' down the stairs. You merely descended them with haste. To 'sprint' down the stairs would be improbable and quite dangerous. Thus Higgy's point remains. :tongue:
  7. I can just see Funky "fizzing at the bung" :biggrin:
  8. no, but i have been foaming at the mouth once or thrice.
  9. I reckon funky's a manic depressive :biggrin:
  10. its the only time he gets a visitor...

    well apart from those locked in his cellar but they dont count cos they never get to leave :eek:
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  11. I think funky is damn cool :-D
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  12. They have given up by the looks of it funky

    guess what landed on my mat this morning?? yep another letter from corporate scum headquarters...oddly enough, this one is dated simply 'October 2013' last one was dated 4th October 2013...somebody needs to get their act together at Das Bunker....

    its got the scary red borders (to try and intimidate me) but a repetition of the 'you have left us no alternative but to proceed with the final stages of our investigation'....ffs, this is the 5th or 6th time ive had this last was the 'what to expect in court'.....i was hoping for a bit more meat on the bone...

    I think ive probably had all of the computer generated letters now as they have all been duplicated....The Legal Occupier must be shitting himself....

    Come round goon, my video camera and youtube account are waiting!!!
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  14. except when you missus hobbles back into the taxi..
  15. open the front door and look around, there is a whole wide world of far more interesting and useful things to do out there.......
  16. i know mate...thats why i dont spend my time on my arse watching the death tube innit..
  17. i know mate...thats why i dont spend my time on my arse watching the death tube innit..nice to have a sense of humour though...

    give it a go.
  18. yes you would let her go wouldnt you - you absolute ba$tard :banghead:
  19. Thats because he reads up on stuff before forming an opinion, rather than takingthe daily mail or the express as gospel.

    I agree.
  20. I do enjoy those youtube videos when people don't just roll over. Here are a couple of good uns' In one of them, they guy at the door actually reads the occupier his rights !

    *BTW, I do pay my telly licence.


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