Hi just picked up my 2010 multistrada 1200s from the other side of the country and had a lovely long ride home. Great bike looking forward to winter. My other bike is a 2016 X Diavel which is locked away till spring. The multistrada came with a white colour coded top box but I'm looking for the panniers to go with. I see that they have been discontinued for this age bike. Any ideas how I will find some ? Thanks.
What I meant to say was I'm now looking forward to riding through the winter where as before I was locking the X Diavel away till spring and walking to the shops !!!
Welcome ! Soon be the shortest day too I read about a guy in Alaska last winter who was cruising along on his snow mobile. "Whoo hoo!" Didn't see a barbed wire fence. FOOM---cut his head right off. And I'll be honest with you, my first thought was... That's how I want to go. Having the time of your life, "Whoo hoo!" FOOM. I want the last thought in my head to be, 'Hey, check out that headless snow mobile driver. He's got a jacket just like mine.'"
"The multistrada came with a white colour coded top box but I'm looking for the panniers to go with. I see that they have been discontinued for this age bike. Any ideas how I will find some ?" I couldn't get any panniers for my winter hack either, so I ended up making my own.
Welcome, recommend ACF50'ing metal parts once you've cleaned & dried multi. Throw an image up if you feel like it,...also see my sig for ducati-map.
Nearly happened to a mate of mine 20 yrs ago. Some Muppet put barbed wire at biker head hight on a trail track. Had awesome scars round his throat, very lucky to still be here.