
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. Shit week after shit week, weather been good last week and this, things going on I want to attend and I cant feckin ride. The one thing that gives me clear head time and cheers me up. Cant even go for a long exhausting walk, never mind kill myself in the gym.

    So pissed off its like I lost a million quid and found a tenner...to find thats a forgery

    Bottom of a bottle looks good right now...nothing else to do. Cant even go in the garage and drool over a nice Ducati...
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Unlucky mate, things will improve though, there's a long summer ahead :)
  3. Whether having tough time at work, home or whatever bike always helps me get thru. Maybe I need a change entirely. Jack it all in and do a Nick Saunders...
  4. Get it off your chest boy!!!
    Things always seem bad from viewed from one angle. try thinking positive thoughts and what makes you happy.
    Crap happens to all of us, but what gets you to the other side is creative harmony and aspirations that man kind achieves eventually , which balances the equilibrium of good and bad.
  5. I'm not one to hold it in and fester...be out, be loud, be proud
  6. Have a couple of glasses of something, a good wank, and it'll all feel better in the morning
  7. Buy a jigsaw and quit griping:mad:
  8. jack it all in, invest in a garage business on the west coast of Scotland that wants to expand in to mots and motorcycles.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Do you need a fart Bradders?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. I'd be lucky...co codomol and bowel movement of any kind dont mix...
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  11. I know exactly how you feel, every time I open the garage on a sunny day and see the Ducati parked there, taxed insured and mot'd it's like it's mocking me. Another year to go before I get the all clear from docs to ride again. The difficult times are the ones other people don't see.
  12. I know exactly how you feel, every time I open the garage on a sunny day and see the Ducati parked there, taxed insured and mot'd it's like it's mocking me. Another year to go before I get the all clear from docs to ride again.

    You will get there, but sometimes it feels like time stands still.
  13. Been there 2012 long term (6 months) layoff, thankfully I'll be back in 4 weeks bollocks to how it feels! 2 if I feel ok... And it all starts again at 0530 tomorrow lush
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