
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. Aparpently msot of teh poeple who psot on tish fuorm meak lsot of tpyogphracial eorrrs, or paherps tehy are miakstes of sllepnig, gammrar or santyx. This tunrs teihr txet inot gbobledgeook. Mabye it dsoen’t matter, prvoided eyverone can udnersntad it jsut het smae. Can pepole foollw this, for exmaple?
  2. No, I went to a posh grammar school.
  3. Feckin nala entertives, nealr ot leeps!! ssipes em fof lal shit abd mergram...
  4. Pet hates are mixing up there, their and they're.

    There are more.

    I blame the teachers.
  5. Its and it's i'll bet :wink:
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Your and you're
  7. Advent of the touch screen keyboard and auto correct ;)
  8. U bonch ov kunntz I knoo its me ure goin on abowt .
    I happen to be a proffisinal speeler in my spare time.
    I dont use speel cheecker Im just stupid, and I dont care if u knoo it m8
  9. I'm not that fussed TBH (plus English is my second language so I probably make quite a lot of mistakes too). At the end of the day human brain only needs the first and last letter to be correct - you can mess up the rest (including replacing letters with digits) and it's still perfectly readable although it may take a moment to get used to.
    What is driving me nuts though is using capital letters for no reason or writing everything in caps. Luckily it's not common on this forum :smile:
  10. What does trouble me is we have the above ability to read the word's as correct if the first & last letter is correct even if the sentence looks as though it was written in Polish? :smile:
  11. fcuk fof
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Are you a Jordie Peter :wink:
  13. This makes me laugh, a bit old now but I still think its funny

    geordie windows.jpg
  14. NOO I just spel lyook 1
  15. WOT YA BUNCH OF EeEJiTs gOwin UN bYout?
  16. It doesn't worry me that much.

    What gets my goat are the posts that have no punctuation at all, written in entire paragraphs with no breaks, like something out of an illiterate Ulysses.

    Fortunately those ones are quite (should maybe have written "quiet") far and few between. Text speak pisses me off too, but the age of posters on this forum seems to be so biblical that no one uses it. Cool!
  17. I blame my auto correct !
    It keeps saying nibbles and came up with bejeezus !! Where did it get that from?

    I have to say I let it go ..
    I type as I talk mainly crap .. :)
  18. "Bejeezus" is a brilliant word!

    I'd be proud of Apple if I found that recognised in my iPhone!
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