Yay, another pressure thread. I always have this problem when buying new tyres for a bike. Its a different brand than the older one, do I use the same pressures, do i lower/raise them? The last one was a sport touring tire and this one is a sport tire...How fast does a sport tyre warm up compared to a sport touring tyre on the street? Do I need to be constantly on it to have grip with this tyre? How should one decide which pressures to use and be at peace with it? Apparently I wrecked my Roadsmart 4 rear by having the pressures too low at 2.4bar instead of 2.6, as stated by other internet experts on another forum. The rear showed significant cupping at 4000 KM.My bikes suspension is setup more perfect than 99 percent of other street bikes out there, so it wasnt the suspension. Must be the riding style? How can I avoid this in the future? Can a sport touring tyre really get so deformed after 5-6 top speed runs over 4000km and a general above-average pace riding at "too low of a pressure at 2.4bar"? Right now I am debating between M9RR and the Roadtec 02. Can you even get 6000km out of a M9RR with a 1200 Multi? I take weekend trips sometimes which can be over 1000km's for 2-3 afternoons, most of which will be spent absolutely hammering the bike through the corners where there is no traffic and then return home at a slower pace or take the highway... Yes they have recommended pressures on the websites and in the manual.But its a different tyre every time. Surely the pressures cant be the same for someone who is 65kg with gear and someone who is 90 kg on the same bike? What if I ride my Multi as a sport bike and twist the throttle every other chance i get, and the other guy with the same bike never goes over 120kmh and stays mostly upright and looks at the birds and trees around him? Do we use the same pressures? Point 2. Surely the pressures can't be the same when outside is 17 Celsius and when its 38 Celsius(yes I live in a place like this)? Point 3. Where is this "extra grip" difference between a sport touring tyre and a sport tyre? What practical example there is to show what you can and cant do in a corner with a st tyre and a sport tyre? Is it even a difference of more than 10 perecent? Is it worth paying 400 Euro for a set of tyres which will probably last half compared to Sport touring tyres, which basically cost the same money? After all I am not dragging knee, elbow and head with my bike, and neither do 95 percent of other riders on the street do so...
Hello I got a bit lost in your post - so I have asked Copilot to provide a summary that gets to the point (extracted below). I believe this to be too complex to provide an answer that covers all tyres. May I suggest reding the tyre reviews in magazines and online. With the help of translate you can read English, reviews as easily as German, French or Spanish. You may be able to track down the characteristics of individual tyres.
If you get your suspension set up initially and it starts not, to handle then it usually means your pressure is dropping....that penny dropped for me years ago....ive got a slow puncture on my winter tyres that are on at the moment (theyre fucked so it doesnt really matter) but as soon as i loose more than a couple of psi, i know it...on the front if the steering starts to get heavy...its going down...my hyper has got a slow on the rear...again the tyres are knacked - if i subliminally start to "aim" the bike round corners...that back is loosing pressure..
Your suspension may be set-up just right. But it may be just right for touring tyres..or sports tyres Also, some tyres have more flex in the sidewall, so stiffer suspension may work. Stiff side wall could make the same setting ‘work’ the tyres too hard. Pressure, suspension, sidewall stiffness, type of riding, temperature (air/road) are all connected. 3 psi is not a big difference, but probably at the limit of what I would have from recommended on touring tyres. Sports tyres I think there is more scope and for road use I drop the rear on the Superduke by around 4psi and the front by 2. Bridgestone s22. But..what is the bike, what are the roads? Even road surface can make a dramatic difference. A fast Scotland tour in hot weather can hammer tyres.. Add in, one up, two up, loaded…aggressive riding?