Anyone come across this when using Dunlops Q3. When back and forth with the settings but it would not stop burning the leading edge off.
i have watched the videos, but it didnt make any difference how much i changed the rear settings. Thinking it may be normal for this brand.
I’ve re posted this link before, it might have some useful information. Andy
Thanks for the info. I looked up the dave moss videos while at the track. I thought it looked like incorrect rebound but it has no raised edges. i adjusted the rebound(slower) 3 clicks, ran 5 laps came back in, adjusted again, ran another 5 laps,went back to starting setting.Adjusted the rebound again(faster) 3 clicks at a time after 5 laps. Still no difference to the wear pattern. I suppose as soon as the edge was gone its hard to tell if the adjustment i made had changed the way the tyre was wearing.
the trouble with tyre wear is it is very difficult to get it back once it has started to wear..unfortunately the only real way is to start with new tyres...
Here's a link about Tyre wear. One of the sections is about what you do want see in tyre wear, which it says "If you have a pattern like the one in the picture which looks like a beach where the tide has gone out, you’ve nailed it". To me your tyre wear looks really good, if it has any symptoms that your your not too happy with then its probably down to the high speed damping, which means changing the shims not the clickers. If it handles to your liking I'd leave it alone. Cheers TB PS same link as Andys