short film on the ulster gliding club,based up near the nw 200 area. enjoy.
Looks like a great facility. I have a BGA Silver Badge, a Diamond Height and was an Air Experience Instructor; sadly no longer current. It was something I was addicted to for a number of years.
iv flew but only as an occasional indulgence. my father is the flyer,both gliders and powered. he flies a 66 shk. this is him awaiting take off at jaka in spain.
Very nice looking aircraft. The tail parachute suggests it might have been a handful to land ? The picture of me is in a DG300 in which I had a half share and was also taken in Spain but at Cerdanya. The other is high over the Cairngorms, hence the oxygen mask.
the shk compares well with modern gliders and I know my fathers has no parachute and no probs reported in spite.flying it in spain the local flyers went daft for it and wrote an article as a result
Thanks for posting up guys I've always wanted to try it but never got around/had the dosh. No idea why it appeals so much, powered flight just looks pants in comparison John
a guy i used to work with used to do it from connel, last time i spoke to him he was giving it away to a good home a wooden one with trailer i wounder if he still has it.
This must have been scary.. Glider pilot escapes mid-air crash only to land in the path of a combine harvester - Mirror Online
The debris falling past his chute must have been very scary. Gliding in a club environment is a lot cheaper than powered flying and much more fun. Power is about straight and level whereas gliding is about finding and centring in thermals by throwing it on a wingtip and circling. Having said that a modern high performance sailplane on a good thermal day no longer has to circle, it just slows down as it flies through the lift which gives it enough of an energy boost to get to the next thermal, which is OK if you are racing but most gliding is done for fun in a club environment. Go and have an Air Experience flight at your local club but pick a nice sunny day with lots of fluffy cumulus clouds otherwise it could be a short flight. My longest flight was over 5 hours and highest was 21,700 ft.