undercover boss uk style

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phill, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. just been watching the english version focusing on quicksilver, the highstreet arcade gambling business.

    it is a stark contrast to the american ones where the bosses show real appreciation for the hardworking staff and give expensive gifts as appreciation for the work that they do.

    the english version really was sort of a backhanded compliment affair with totally shit gifts....

    little wonder that the average minimum wage worker will not put themselves away for managers these days

    and they have trouble understanding why lol
  2. Oh come on most of minimum wage workers in food industry work on 0 hour contracts and managers there are also wondering why do people move without giving notice or why they do not commit to work. How the hell did they all become managers I will never know.
  3. haha too true
  4. because nobody was left
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