Using The Rain To Do Some Fettling

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Jimmo, Sep 8, 2022.

  1. Gah, it's wetter than a submarine's number plate outside. Well, as rain has stopped play, I thought I'd put the time to good use with a bit of fettling. First, it's an opportunity for a thorough clean and polish for the tractor...

    There is something satisfying about a good clean, despite getting close enough to notice to all the inevitable age and weather related defects. Anyway, a day of with the cloths, lotions and oils and that job was done (to the patter of tiny raindrops on the garage roof - very soothing).

    Next up will be the recently acquired 916, which has been fitted with an after-market carbon fibre swingarm protector:

    The chain tension seems fine, but I notice that it tends to "slap" the top side of that protector, i.e. where that nylon chain guide sits. That doesn't seem right. I also discovered that it's eaten some of it and spat it out on the floor...that also doesn't seem right. Not quite sure where it came from, as it's obviously part of the chain guide but I don't immediately see from where it was detached.

    Perhaps the added dimensions of the carbon protector and slide have made the tolerances too narrow? Anyway, I'll have to whip all that carbon eye candy off and have a good look at what's going on. (I'm not even sure I like it or think it's necessary, so I shall ponder whether to keep it fitted once I've had a look without it).

    Anyhow, hope everyone is keeping dry! Cheers all :beer:
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