V2 V2 Bayliss

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Charlietech, Jun 18, 2023.

  1. Hi all,
    I'm potentially looking to treat myself to a V2 Bayliss next year (or Yamaha r9 if it's released)

    Appreciate that a Ducati is more expensive in every way, but trying to gauge what sort of running costs are like on these things.

    Also researching the bikes there seems to be issues with them running hot? - never ridden a duc but only ever read good things about the v2 - the Bayliss sounds like it's even more special.

    This is going to be a milestone birthday present to myself so thinking of getting something a bit more special that I will be keeping for a long time..

    Advice and insight welcome...

    I think once I decide and have it.. I'll be on here shopping for ideas (Austin Racing exhaust is on the hit list )

  2. Hi and welcome. Answers are likely to be a bit biased on here, but I will try and be objective. Firstly though, I don’t think it’s a fair comparison R9 to V2 as the Duc will surely have significant more power than the Yam.

    Running costs. Insurance c£325 fully comp. Mpg is very good. On a 200 mile trip last week (admittedly over motorways mixed with A and B roads) I averaged 69mpg (!!!). Even wringing its neck they are good. Service costs between £225-£275 pa with valve clearance at 15000.
    Heat. On the same round trip above the air temp was 32 degrees. The bike temperatures ranged from 84 to 93 degrees hitting a high of 103 in a snarl up in the m25. Fans kick in at 102. I tend to stay away from towns on mine as it’s just for fun and it’s not a problem.
    Handling is sublime. The Ohlins is a big improvement over the standard bike. Feels more plush on the road. The electrics are top class. Engine is sublime on the road with perfect level of power in my opinion. The Bayliss has lacquered tank and panels that the standard bike doesn’t.
    I have been luck to own many very nice bikes but I can honestly say I have never had so many compliments about a bike as the Bayliss. It’s a work of art.
    Get one. You wont regret it.
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  3. My mods so far. IMG_7759.jpeg IMG_7784.jpeg IMG_7792.jpeg IMG_7818.jpeg 62934809-23B4-4A11-8A8D-8E2CBCD9659F.jpeg IMG_7843.jpeg 03DD9C37-7F38-4754-B767-B2D3194314AE.jpeg
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  4. I also have a Bayliss which I got in November last year. I have 1100 miles on it now and I've enjoyed every single one. I got the taller screen from new which is great at high speeds to reduce buffeting. I have fitted a few bits like folding levers (TWM), rear sets (CnC racing praam), front axle sliders and clutch cover protector. I love the bike but it does tend to cook your legs particularly thighs - definitely better with leathers than jeans!
    I don't think I've ever gotten near to the fuel consumption Jack mentions - guess I am just in too much of a hurry all the time - but I can get 49-50 on long runs which is pretty decent.
  5. Agree re leathers over jeans.
    Also agree on fuel - mine quoted was most definitely an outlier hence (!!!). I’m steady on the road, not fast.
    I’ve also done 1100 miles since November on this bike.
  6. Thanks Jack, appreciate the reply.

    That's not terribly expensive (I've read others stating how expensive normal service things are) - but I can live with that sort of cost..

    Sounds like the heat is manageable... And the handling exactly what I imagine an ohlins kitted beast to be like.

    For reference had a 600rr for a number of years until.it was stolen, then an old 929 fireblade.. which I liked but found to not be as fun as my baby blade.. it felt a bit too soft and big and heavy (if that makes sense) - hence why I'm looking for a middleweight - a special middleweight at that.. I'm looking to keep it for a while.
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