V4 V4s To V2 Question

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by OoRanoO, Mar 10, 2025 at 6:58 PM.

  1. Evening all.
    Have any of you on here moved from a V4(S) to a V2 and if so, what were your thoughts on the weight differential in particular. I'm getting to the point that I'm really starting to feel the weight and with osteoarthritis it kind of knocks my confidence a little when stopping and pushing the bike around.
    Any thoughts would be most welcome.
  2. Hi Steve, I had a left hip replacement due to arthritis and know where you're coming from.
    IMHO, I think the height is more an issue than the weight. It was in my case and may be again for me on the right side.
    The dry difference is only about 36 lbs.
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  3. HI
    I have gone the other way, V2 to V4S and personally I cant say there would be any real difference in handling weight while riding.

    The v2 has a lower seat, and narrower so easier to stop start and parking I guess due to that.

    I tested a supersport and due to the higher bars felt a bit easier to ride/handle day to day I would say
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  4. Thanks for this. Just as I thought but wanted to know from someone first hand. I'm having my V4S lowered in a couple of weeks so hopefully this will help me.
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  5. I've heard nothing but good things from a guy who had his lowered and my dealer also said as much (although his mechanics say it's a pain in the arse to do!)
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  6. A word of caution, we used the Ducati lowering kit on my girlfriend’s 937 Monster and on a soft suspension setting, the side stand was too long. When she sat on the bike and compressed the suspension, the whole bike sat up and went over. I ended up shortening the sidestand by about 30mm. It might not be so drastic on the Multistrada but you need to be aware of it. Andy
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  7. Thanks Andy. Having watched a YouTube video of someone that had the lowering kit, it looks ok on the Multi and you do get a shorter side stand as part of the kit. The only thing I'm slightly worried about is the centre stand as I'm not sure if that is included.
  8. I had the lowered suspension kit and a lower seat on mine, and part of the lowering is to shorten the side stand.

    However the bike is top heavy and although I could get my feet flat on the ground I always felt that if I was on the slightest of cambers etc I could quite easily drop it. I never did, but it felt like I could at some point.
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  9. Thanks. I think taking everything into account, lowering would be the best option for me especially as I also have a 31 inch inside leg.
  10. Good to know even though I'm going to be cursed :)
  11. I swapped from the V4s to a DesertX it feels easier to push /shuffle about. It’s on std suspension with the higher rally seat but as it’s narrower I think it’s easier to get my feet flat than on the V4s with saddle on high position. You can also feel it’s lighter when hauling on the brakes/accelerating as the V4 felt like a huge mass was having to be wound up to speed & slowed .
  12. I like the look of the DesertX but they doo look tall. I'll have a sit on one at the dealers.
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